Monday, November 4, 2013

4 Ways to Get Rid of Destructive Thoughts


  Sometimes the way we were hoping for things to turn out in our lives is not exactly what we had planned for.  It can be very difficult to stay positive, and often times we get into a funk where negative thoughts start racing through our heads.  Everyone has experienced this at one time or another and it's the people who do something to change their thinking that end up coming out of it stronger.

  The more you let your destructive thoughts consume you, the worse you feel. If you allow yourself to continue in this state of mind, you can start making bad decisions that you will later regret. I am one who has experienced this more than once, and have gotten better and better at overcoming this state of mind.  Here are some tips, from personal experience, that I hope will help if you are going through a rough time in life:

1. Get Busy.
  When you aren't feeling well, emotionally, the worst thing you can do is to sit around and let your negative thoughts progress.  Let's say that you lost your job and now you have a lot of time to think.  There are tons of activities you can do to keep your mind busy. Go to the park where you can people watch, take a trip to the coffee shop, pick up some books from the library, clean and organize your house, volunteer, etc.  There are so many activities you can immerse yourself in that will get your brain focused on something other than your wandering mind.

2. Make a List of Positive Accomplishments.
  Sometimes when we go through a tough time we forget all of the lessons we have learned and the great achievements we have made.  Take out piece of paper, and write out a list of things you are proud of yourself for accomplishing. This should help make a shift in your mood, and get your thoughts on a better track. Doing this can remind you of times when you had to figure out a solution to a difficult problem, and help you come up with ideas for your current situation.

3. Volunteer.
  Helping others not only makes you feel good about yourself, it is a great way to practice the first tip and get busy. All of your best qualities arise when you are giving back, so it is a great way to remind yourself that your negative thoughts are irrational. Get on the web and search for some opportunities to help out your community.

4. Surround yourself around people.
Call up a family member or go out to dinner with a friend.  Search the web for different activity gatherings, such as or Go on to Craigslist and look in the community section. Being around people is a great way to redirect your thoughts. And who knows, you might make some new friends along the way!

What are some things you like to do to get yourself out of a negative mindset?

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