Tuesday, January 22, 2013

3 Characteristics of a Beautiful Person

1. Integrity
  "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not. ~ Oprah Winfrey

Integrity is defined as, "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."  Think about a time when you had a chance to do something that went against your morals and you knew that nobody would find out.  For example, say that you just saw somebody drop a $100 bill and nobody else was around to see this occur.  You start thinking to yourself: I could really use that money, and nobody would ever know that I had picked it up for myself.  Somebody with integrity would pick up the money, and give it to the person that had dropped it because they know that it's the right thing to do. 

Having integrity is the characteristic of a strong person.  It's very easy to go against your morals, and gain something for yourself.  But in the end, it feels even better when you can be loyal to others and do the right thing.  You will benefit much more through integrity.

2. Accountability

One of the toughest realizations in life is the fact that you are responsible for the way yours has turned out.  The choices that you have made have led to your present outcome.  If things aren't going the way you would have hoped for, it's easy to blame people and other circumstances, but that will never get you anywhere.  This type of mindset, that everyone else is to blame for your outcomes, will only leave you bitter and angry with your circumstances.  Choose to free yourself from that state of mind, accept that your choices led you to where you are, and decide to make better decisions for your future.  Only then, will you be free to take on your own life.

3. Honesty
"We tell lies when we are afraid….afraid of what we don’t know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger." ~ Tad Williams

It takes a courageous person to stand up and be honest.  People can usually see through dishonesty and it's a horrible thing to be known for.  When someone is dishonest, others have a hard time believing anything that they say.  On the other hand, those who are known for being honest have gained respect and trust from those around them.   Dishonesty can really can hurt the people that love and care about.

What do you think makes someone beautiful?

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