Monday, March 18, 2013

4 Tips for Creating Success

Everyone has a different definition of success.  Whether you see it as having wealth and security, a loving spouse, or a life full of adventure, you have the choice to create the story of your life.  I have read numerous books, many inspiring stories on blogs, and listened to advice from very wise individuals.  Here are tips collected from the lessons I have learned through others, as well as my own personal experiences:

1. Create goals
  Goals are very important in life.  Without them, you won't have any direction.  When you achieve a goal, you build up your self esteem and learn something new about yourself.  If you want to achieve a goal that seems very out of reach, start small.  Do something everyday that will eventually bring you to that big goal you have set for yourself.  Don't forget to reward yourself when you do achieve what it is you have worked for.

2. Use Your Resources
  With the Internet, libraries, and experienced people (willing to give advice) so available to you, you have no excuse not to learn how to achieve what it is you want in life.  If you really want something, read as much as you can about it, and ask those who are experienced in your interest a lot of questions.  People love sharing information on how they achieved certain goals in life, so ask away.

3. Think Positive Thoughts
  In high school, I was surrounded by negative peopleI, myself, used to be a pretty negative person.  I thought that I was never good enough, that nobody liked me, and that I was just one of the unlucky people put on this earth.  It wasn't until I watched "The Secret" (which, I highly recommend) and started watching motivational videos online that I really started to change my attitude and outlook on life.  I can't even begin to tell you how many amazing changes started happening once I decided to view the world differently.  Not only did *bad things stop happening to me, I started gaining more close friends, and could look at myself in the mirror with pride.  Happiness really is a choice, and it all begins with a positive attitude.

*Bad things still happen to me occasionally, but I can handle them much easier than before.  You just have to change the way you react to difficulties.  You wouldn't appreciate the good times without a few hurdles.

4. Push Through Fear
  I remember someone telling me something once, that has really stuck in my head.  This was a time when I felt defeated and wanted to give up on life.  He told me that the best way to deal with hard times is to go through them.  This simple piece of advice really had a lot of meaning to me.  I have learned through the years that the more you push through your fears, the stronger you become.  When opportunities to try new things come along, it can be scary to give it a go.  You have no idea what the outcome will be.  Will you end up embarrassed?  Will you be awful at it?  Will you FAIL??  You will never know until you try.  You can sit there, safe, wondering why some people make big accomplishments, or you can do the same thing they do, and just go for it.  Don't ever let yourself have regrets, and find out what you are made of.  If you don't end up with the outcome that you had hoped for, at least you can say that you had the courage to try.  And, you will always come out of it with a story to tell and a new perspective.

4. Count Your Blessings
  When you are on the road to success (whatever your definition of that may be), you must look back and be proud of the accomplishments that you have made.  You may not be where you want to be at the moment, but look at the difficulties you have made it through.  Take a look at all of the lessons you have learned and realize how lucky you are to have them.  If you are ever feeling down about certain things going on in your life, take a moment to grab a piece of paper, and write down as many things you are grateful for as possible.  Don't stop writing until you can't thing of any other little thing.  You will see that you are more fortunate than you think.

What have I left out? What lessons have you learned which brought you success?

6 Ways to be a Better Person
21 Ways to Live an Exciting Life
Congrats on your Failure: Why it's Okay to Fail

1 comment:

  1. I like the 2nd point - I could work on that more
