Sunday, October 28, 2012

23 Things I've Learned by Age 23

I know a lot of bloggers are creating these lists right now.  Life is all about experiences so why not take a look at some of the things you have learned along the way..

1. Consistently keeping your personal spaces (bedroom, house, car) clean makes life so much easier and less stressful.

2. It's a terrible idea to go to the grocery store hungry.

3. If you own a credit card, pay off your entire bill at the end of the month.

4. You can never live your life based on opinions of others.  You'll never be your own person if you do.

5.  Living on your own and paying 100% of your bills is one of the best things you can ever do. 

6. Give all people a chance.  You can learn something from every person you meet.

7. There comes a time when you realize that many of your "friends" don't truly care about you.  Let go of them.  They don't deserve any of your time.

8. Don't ever lose yourself in a relationship.

9. Comparing yourself to others is one of the worst things you could do.  You have no idea how they truly feel on the inside.  Focus on yourself.

10.  Happiness truly is a choice. You'll never be happy if you say "I'll be happy when..".  Learn to appreciate what you have today. 

11. A gym membership is a great investment.  Working out gives you more energy, motivation, and helps with your mood.

12. Once you stop caring so much about what others think, you can really attract true friends who love you for who you are.

13. Spend time with the people you love, and let them know how you feel about them.  You will not have them forever, and it's better to know you took advantage of your time with them.

14. Use moisturizer!  It makes your skin look and feel better.

15.  The world is beautiful.  Take hikes, jog by a lake, or do something as simple as taking a walk around your neighborhood.  Soak in the fresh air and the beauty of the outdoors.

16. There is a difference between needing something and wanting it.  You don't "need" cable, dinner at a restaurant every weekend, or the latest handbag.  If you can't afford it, don't buy it.  And learn to live without it.

17. You can learn a lot from your grandparents.  And if you're willing to ask questions about their life, you might be surprised with some of the interesting stories they can share.

18.  If you have a sibling whom you are close with, you are very blessed.

19.  Buy Christmas gifts before everyone else.  It keeps stress away.

20. Help others.  You shine when you help people.  It makes you feel good too.

21. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, and you will be one happy camper.

22. Don't take things personal.  Learn to dust your shoulders off when little things irritate you.

23.  Life is all what you make it.

What are some of your best lessons learned?

6 Ways to be a Better Person
3 Videos That Will Change Your Outlook on Life
3 Characteristics of a Beautiful Person

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