Wednesday, October 23, 2013

4 Lessons Learned from Grandma

 In a post I wrote last year (23 Things I've Learned by Age 23), I mentioned that asking your grandparents to tell you stories could lead you to learn a lot about life.  I have a very close relationship with my Grandmother, and she is someone who truly inspires me.  This woman is the type of person who can talk to anybody and loves to make people laugh.  She has experienced a lot, and has a great outlook on life.  Here are some valuable lessons I have learned from this amazing woman..

1. Don't take life too seriously.
   My Grandmother and I often have intellectual chats about life and the conversation will be very serious.  It's always great to have those talks, but after a while, she will smile and crack a joke.  She can't stay serious for too long, and I love that about her.  Laughter is one of the most important things in life, and my Grandma has taught me that life is too short to take things seriously.  Everywhere we go, she will be cracking jokes with people she's never met, and she always manages to get a laugh out of them.  She truly glows, and this kind of attitude really draws people to her.  We all have very difficult days, and a good laugh can cause you to change your focus to a more positive outlook.

 2. Sometimes you can fall in love with love.
   You should never stay in a relationship when you keep questioning if it's right for you. If you're truly meant to be with the person, you will know it in your heart.  It's easy to get used to always having somebody there for companionship, but don't be afraid to venture out into the world if you know deep down that you're not with the right person.  How can you ever find that right person if you're with the wrong one? This is coming from a woman who was married to her husband from 21 years old until a couple of years ago when he passed away.

3. Learn to be okay with what you have.
  My grandparents were always very good with money. My grandfather owned a successful business, so they had a good amount of money coming in, but they always managed it very well.  They always made sure to pay their credit cards in full every month and would always make sure to having money put away for savings.  They sought professional advice to make sure they were always going to be okay.  Too many people feel the need to have the latest material item, sometimes putting themselves in bad financial situations to get it. These materials will only make you feel good temporarily. You need to learn to accept what you have and be grateful.

4. Always be good to people.
  It's amazing how great it can feel to lead a life full of compassion and integrity.  When you strive to have these characteristics, people are drawn to you. They know that they can trust you, and they feel great being in your company. Remember, people don't usually remember what you did, they remember how you made them feel.

What Life lessons have you learned from someone older and wiser?

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