Tuesday, April 21, 2015

22 Little Things Men Do that Make Women Feel Beautiful

Sometimes a girl feels like men she goes on dates with are only interested in her body. After a while, we start wondering if that's all there is out there and if good men just don't exist anymore. We become bitter and turn our backs to the dating world.

But every once in a while, a man will enter her a woman's life and open her eyes. He will enjoy getting to know who she is on the inside, and it will make her feel like she's hit the jackpot.

Here are some things that a good man does to make a woman feel beautiful:

 1. Kisses her on the top of her head

2. Opens her car door

3. Surprises her with tickets to games, concerts, etc.

4. Sends her good morning texts

5. Goes in for a kiss in the middle of a conversation

6. Listens

7. Tells her she's beautiful

8. Remembers previous conversations

9. Puts his hand on her back when they walk through a crowd

10. Tells his family about her

11. Tickles her because he loves to hear her laugh

12. Makes a comment about her eyes

13. Puts his hand on her knee when he's driving her somewhere

14. Let's her share her secrets

15. Wishes her luck before a big event

16. Takes something that she is carrying off her hands and carries it for her

17. Walks her to her car, opens her door, and gives her a kiss

18. Asks her to let him know when she makes it home

19. Points out her quirks because he pays attention

20. Watches a movie that she loves because he remembered her talking about it

21. Buys her ice cream and walks around the park with her

22. Strives to keep her smiling

Share Your Thoughts: What are some things a man does to make you feel beautiful?

Dear Ladies, Good Men do Exist! Stop Being so Impatient
3 Characteristics of a Beautiful Person
4 Lessons Learned from Grandma

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