Thursday, April 23, 2015

7 Things True Friends Do

I had coffee with some of my girlfriends yesterday, and it prompted me to write about the importance of having people like them in my life.

You can have tons of friends, but still lack a real, authentic connection. If you have friends that do some of the things listed below, you should consider yourself lucky and nurture those friendships until death.

Here are some of the things my friends do that I am grateful for:

1. Remember what's going on in your life.

I'm always reminded that I have amazing friends when we go out together and they follow up with me on situations and events that I had brought up on our previous meeting. They know everything about my family, dating life, and work.

2. Laugh about your mistakes.

They know about the stupid situations you've gotten yourself into because you can tell them anything. Not only will they laugh with you, but make fun of you because they are comfortable and know that you can take it.

3.Send you random texts.

It's always great to receive a funny photo or random thought from my close friends. It shows that they are thinking about you, even if it's been a while since you've been in contact.

4. Have your back.

Good friends have your best interest at heart. And they have no respect for anyone who comes into your life with bad intentions. They are protective of you because it's very important for them to see you happy.

5. Make fools of themselves with you.

Life doesn't need to be taken so seriously, and your good friends sure know how to make you laugh. You have such a close connection, that sometimes you forget that you're in public and should probably tone down the laughter and stupid jokes. In the end, it doesn't matter because all those people looking at you wish they could be laughing as hard as you.

6. Cheer you on and offer support. 

They celebrate when something good happens in your life and offer their shoulder when you need a good cry. They understand why certain situations affect your life because they pay attention.

7. You can bring them around anyone. 

They get along with everyone you know and are always happy to meet different people in your life. My best friends know my cousins, coworkers, and some of my other family members. They ask about their lives and show a genuine interest.

Thank you to my best friends. I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life to lift me up, make me laugh, and share all of my stories with!

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