Monday, November 11, 2013

Cheers to Failure: Why it's Okay to Fail

“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure” – George Edward Woodberry

  Failure sounds like such a harsh word, and many people try very hard to avoid it at all costs. Fearing failure can be very detrimental to your personal growth. It can cause procrastination, anxiety, and low self-esteem, just to name a few. But I have learned that failing at something feels a whole lot better than having an idea and never doing anything with it.

  You will never get anywhere in life if you do not push through your fears. Just know that it's okay if what you try doesn't work out like you had expected. If you are feeling like you have failed, or are afraid to try something new due to fear of failure, read further to see the good that can come out of it:

1. You Learn More About Yourself.
You tried something different, therefore, you learned some new things about yourself. You now know that something you have always wanted to do wasn't fit for you. Now, you can cross it off your to-do list, put it away, and never wonder about it again.

2. You End up on a New Adventure.
Now that you have tried something and closed the door on it, your life is going to be headed down a whole new path. Don't be afraid; be excited! Who knows what new experiences your life has in store for you now. It's all about the attitude you have about it.

3. It Reveals Your True Friends.
Failing at something ALWAYS reveals true friends. The ones who accept you no matter what is taking place in your life will really shine through at this times. Be thankful for these people and grateful that you now know not to waste anymore time on the others.

4. You Become More Interesting.
Now that you have tried something new, you will forever have more interesting stories to tell and will be able to relate to more people.

5. It Means You're Getting Closer to Succeeding.
Successful individuals are those who know failure best. After being rejected from 144 publishers, Jack Canfield successfully had 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' published. Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times before creating the light bulb!

6. Your Courage Will Become Strengthened.
The more difficulties you go through, the stronger you get. Just keep telling yourself that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

8. You Will be Able to Help Others One Day.
Use what you just learned as a tool to build others up. One day, somebody may ask for your advice about something that you have tried and failed. You will now be able to share your experiences to help them understand what works and what doesn't.

It's easy to feel defeated after a failure, but try your best to think about why your attempt didn't work out. Instead of beating yourself up, be grateful for having the courage to try.

What have I left out? What have you learned from past failures?

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