Friday, April 3, 2015

26 Things I've Learned by Age 26

I just celebrated my 26th birthday on Sunday and figured it's time for another reflection. I've had a myriad of experiences since I wrote my last 'lessons learned' entry at the age of 23. Enjoy, and maybe you can learn from some of my experiences!

1. The morning is the most important part of the day. Wake up early and do something productive; I promise, big changes will happen to your life!

2. Be kind to everyone.

3. Write a gratitude list. You know that joyful feeling you get when you've just spent time laughing and having a fun conversation with your best friends or family members? That's how you will feel after writing a gratitude list. List everything that you are grateful for, and make sure to keep writing until you can't possibly think of anything else.

4. How many "friends" you have on Facebook means nothing, really.

5. Everyone has something to teach you. Talk to strangers.

6. Crawling into a bed is much more comfortable when it has been made. Make your bed! It really doesn't take long. Did you know, studies show that making your bed in the morning makes you feel accomplished and is a great beginning to a productive day?!

7. Spend time outside. Vitamin D gives you a lovely feeling.

8. Get out of the house! The more experiences you have, the more stories you have to tell.

9. People who are rude to you for no reason are unhappy with something in their lives. Don't take it personal and let it ruin your day.

10. Smile. Every. Day.

11. Save money. Don't allow yourself to live paycheck to paycheck, and cut costs if you have to.

12. Exercise 4 - 5 times per week. You'll feel much better in your clothes, eat healthier, and have more energy. You'll probably start getting to know some of the people too.

13. Having a gym buddy improves your workouts drastically.

14. Getting out of your comfort zone causes growth

15. Afraid to go on that date, have dinner with some people you don't really know, go to that interview? Good! Go show yourself that you were being silly for being afraid. What's the worst that can happen, really?

16. Spending money on good shoes is important. Take care of your feet.

17. Keep track of your credit score. I run background checks on people at my job, and you wouldn't believe how many people have dug themselves into deep holes. Make it a goal to keep a good score!

18. Spending money on experiences vs. materials will make you a happier person.

19. Let yourself heal from a broken heart before jumping into another relationship, or you'll never get a chance to figure out what you truly want.

20. Cook more. You'll save money and make healthier choices.

21. Sitting down with someone older, wiser, and who is successful will impact your life tremendously. Seek these types out and ask tons of questions.

22. What is your vice? Figure it out and work to create a more productive one.

23. Go on at least two trips a year, even if all you can afford is one night in a town an hour away from home. This allows you some great reflection time and gives you more experiences to talk about in later conversations.

24. Going out drinking/getting high all the time is lame, repetitive, does not build character, and speeds up your aging process/stunts your emotional growth. Blah.

25. Dating life in a nutshell: exciting, annoying, tiring, lame, sweet, interesting, wild, lonely, scary, mysterious, fun.

26. Laughter keeps you feeling alive, close to those around you, and joyful. Have a sense of humor and don't take life too seriously.

23 Thing I've Learned by Age 23
4 Lessons Learned from Grandma
3 Videos that will Change your Outlook on Life

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