Thursday, July 23, 2015

7 Things That Happen When You Stop Partying

I used to be quite the party girl. I was always the one getting my friends out onto the dance floor and flirting with the hot guys, priding myself on the free rounds of drinks I would get for myself and my girls. I spent many mornings waking up on my friends' couches with messy hair, heavy eyes, and a spotty memory of the night before.

My friends were shocked when I found that the party lifestyle wasn't really fulfilling me any longer. Wanting to sleep in my own bed and to be able to wake up early, I began turning down shots and driving home before midnight. My friends never ceased to give me a puzzled look and wonder what was happening to the life-of-the-party that they were used to.

Now don't get me wrong, I will still enjoy a few drinks on occasion, but it's usually at my apartment with a couple of girlfriends or if I'm on vacation and don't have to drive anywhere. It's very rare, however that I accept more than two drinks when I'm with my friends, because I have found that I enjoy a clear head and a hangover-free morning much more.

Here are some things that happen when you quit drinking, based on my experience:

1. You have more energy.
It's hard to want to do a whole lot when you're hungover; you're typically sleep deprived and your body is working hard to re-cooperate, which often leads you spending time lounging on the couch watching Netflix. How lame is that?!

2. It's easier to keep weight off.
Google the amount of calories that your alcoholic beverages are loaded with and you'll understand this point. Now, multiply that number by the amount of drinks you typically consume in one night, and I guarantee you won't like the calculation.

3. No more headaches.
Throw away that Advil, you no longer need to pop a few first thing in the morning while sucking down water and trying not to throw up.

4. Better memory.
You actually remember what you did the night before! Imagine that. If you don't remember half of your evening, it's almost like it didn't even exist, right? What a waste of the time you've been given...

5. Authentic relationships.
When you're constantly hanging out with drunk people, you're talking to an altered state of mind and not getting to know the real person for their true thoughts and feelings. When you quit drinking, or even just cut some drunk nights out of your life, you will start to gain friends who get to know the real you. How awesome is it to think that your friends like the real you!

6. Your skin glows.
Alcohol dehydrates you, which sucks the water out of your skin and leaves you looking drab and dull. Watch what happens to your skin when you quit drying it out. You'll soon be admiring that gorgeous face in the mirror.

7. You start realizing who you are.
Going back to #5, when you get drunk, you are altering your mind. Doing so stunts your emotional growth because you stop yourself from learning about life and who you are, what makes you smile, and how to handle difficult emotions. Think about someone you know who has been drinking heavily for years; do they seem a bit behind in maturity?

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