Wednesday, August 5, 2015

5 Ways to Feel Happy Again

Ever find yourself in a rut and you have no idea how it happened? A week ago, everything was going well - you loved your job, you were gathering with friends often, and you were working out almost daily. All of a sudden, your job is stressing you out to the point that you don't want to go in to work, your friends have been MIA, and you can't seem to muster up the energy to get yourself to the gym.

I have been there several times, and there are little things you can do to get back to your energetic, happy self.

1. Go for a Walk

If you can't get the energy to workout and work has been stressing you out, don't feel like you need to force yourself to get to the gym because then you may decide not to move your body at all and just stay in on the couch. Remember, you were once at the gym consistently, so you will be able to get back to it. Just ease into it slowly. Walking will also help to clear your head and regather your thoughts.

2. Journal

Find out what's going on in that head of yours. Vent it all out onto a piece of paper so you can possibly figure out where this is all stemming from and fix it.

3. Eat Healthy

When you're in a slump, comfort food calls your name. Get yourself to the grocery store and buy some healthy food. Comfort food will not contribute much to your needed energy levels, healthy food will.

4. Meet a Friend for a Drink/Coffee

You feel like your friends have been MIA and you haven't had much social contact in a while? Call someone who you can laugh with and talk. Sitting on your couch may sound like a much better way to spend your evening, but you need to get out there into the world if you want your energy back.

5. Take a Drive

Create a good playlist and take a drive through town. Go check out a place you haven't been to before. This, like point #1, will help to clear your head and give you some time to think. Moving through town and seeing different places will help to redirect those thoughts and may spur up some energy.

Get up and moving so you can get that happiness back! Even some of the happiest people find themselves in low-energy funks. We've all been there before, so this state that you're in won't last forever.

6 Things to Stop Saying if You Want to Be Happy
The Journey of a Lifetime: What it's Like to Pack up and Leave Town
6 Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated to Exercise
4 Traits of a Good Communicator

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