Saturday, September 12, 2015

5 Ways to be a Memorable Person

1. Remember Names.

Not good at remembering names? Learn how to be good about it because it will set you apart from others. People love it when you remember them by name; it makes them feel like they are important to you. Start repeating someone's name in your head several times until it sticks. The more you do this, the better you'll get.

2. Bring Something up From a Previous Conversation.

Try remembering something that is going on in someone's life, and follow up on it. They will be impressed that you remembered and happy to talk to you about it. People do, however, enjoy talking about themselves.

3. Do Things That Others Won't Do.

Go Parasailing, skydiving, eat something you wouldn't normally try, participate in a triathlon, volunteer, etc. Have something interesting to talk about, and you will surely be remembered for it.

4. Check in with friends/family.

Call or send a text to a family member once in a while. Let people that you care about know that they are important to you and cross your mind. It doesn't have to be anything big; maybe something happened that reminded you of a story you have with that person. You feel like you matter when you cross someone's mind, so let people know that they matter to you.

5. Find passion.

One of the most admirable characteristics of a person is passion. People thoroughly enjoy others who are passionate about what they do. When you do something that means a lot to you, you light up.

That beautiful glow that shines through will inspire others and give them hope. Your gleam will naturally attract others and they will think about you when they try to go after something they're passionate about.

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