Friday, January 5, 2018

Leaving a Legacy: Traits of Those we Always Remember

Today, I was talking with one of my clients about his father and the legacy he left when he passed away. The man was adopted, which my client believed was a major contributor to his sense of compassion. The father would always be one of the first to help friends and family in need which really stuck with his son.

Our talk made me think about people in my life who I have seen live a life full of generosity and love. Have you ever noticed how those who are always quick to help and give to others seem to have a glow to them? They truly live life full of joy as they help and serve others.

I believe that living this way is not only one of the major causes of happiness, but I also believe that people who live this way leave a strong legacy. Years after his passing, his character is still talked about and inspiring others.

Those who leave legacies:

1. Want to Know Everyone

Have you ever met someone you connected with right away because they genuinely wanted to know all about you? It's a busy world (we are busier than ever now), and for those who leave a memorable impression others don't let that stop them from giving everyone they meet a chance and truly wanting to know about who they are.

2. Give With Their Full Hearts

You know when someone gets joy out of giving. They hear about someone who needs help with something, and they immediately begin thinking about how they can help. Whether it's leading them to someone who knows how to help, giving money needed, or offering a listening ear, those who leave legacies are remembered for their generous hearts.

3. Set Their Lives Aside for a Short While

Living to make others lives better takes up your time, hard-earned money, and takes work. And it is so worth all of it to those who we tend to talk about. We talk about them because we know how much it takes to push your life aside for a while and do for others. Sometimes helping others takes risks, but it doesn't matter. Sometimes you have to trust that the calling you are having will lead to a greater outcome if you just go with it.

4. They Smile Often

Joy is contagious, and smiling is such a powerful thing. Those who we seem to remember most bring smiles to our faces, light to our lives, and warm our hearts with their beautiful energy.

5. Teach Others What They've Learned

Those who leave legacies are always teaching others, sometimes even when they don't realize it. They have a way of influencing others in the way they talk as well as by example. they exude a confidence because they have learned (often through tough experiences) who they are and know their purpose.

Do you know someone who will leave a legacy? Do you have a story about someone you know who has passed and left as someone to be remembered?

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How the Man who Saved my Life is Inspiring Troubled Youth
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