Monday, April 6, 2015

3 Reasons You're Feeling Empty

Emptiness: It's such an exhausting feeling that brings down your energy. When you feel like things are missing in your life, you'll notice that your living space has become cluttered, your relationships are suffering, or you don't feel attractive anymore.

Here are a few things that could be causing that dreaded feeling:

You Aren't Doing Anything That Gives You a Sense of Purpose

Are you currently doing something that helps others? Do you feel a sense of belonging within your job, friends, or family? Are you striving for a certain goal? If you don't have something going on that gives you a feeling of accomplishment, this could be why you're feeling empty. 

We need to feel like we're making a contribution of some sort to the world. If this relates to you, go out and seek a way to help others. It doesn't have to be something big, and sometimes this takes practice. Start by sending someone you appreciate a nice text, and expand to bigger things later on.

You Haven't Experienced Anything New in a While

The world is constantly changing, and if you haven't experienced anything new and different in a long time, you could very well be suffering from that feeling of emptiness. Try something that you've never tried before. You may end up with a new hobby, new friends, or an entirely new life path; how exciting!

Be careful with this. Sometimes when people go too long without making a change in their lives, that empty feeling grows, and that's when sabotaging behaviors can occur such as spending money on materials you don't need, cheating, gaining/drug habit, etc. If you keep ignoring that empty feeling for too long, you could suddenly find yourself rushing to fill it as quickly as possible. Get out and explore!

You've Been Ignoring That Inner Voice

That inner voice of yours is telling you something for a reason. Sometimes we are afraid to listen, so we try to ignore it because it's much easier to stick with what we're used to. Plus, how do we know if that voice is actually right? What we've been doing is working just fine! 

Well... you're probably not getting that nagging thought for no reason. How many times have you heard people say that they should have listened to themselves? You have probably said it before in the past. May give that inner voice a chance. Stop being so afraid!

Your Life Needs a Makeover

Sometimes you realize you completely put yourself on the wrong path, and many things need to change. This is a scary thing to do. You will need to use your support system for help, to believe in yourself, and to have faith that everything will work itself you in the end. The great thing about making major life changes is that you develop resilience, learn a lot about yourself, and future problems will be easier for you to tackle. 

Major life changes take time. You will feel extremely uncomfortable at first, and will have many doubts about what you're doing, but anything is better than staying stuck in a rut. Life is all about learning, and new experiences give you stories to tell. You will make it and will be proud of yourself in the end, I promise!

Have you ever felt empty? What did you do to change that?

4 Ways to Get Rid of Destructive Thoughts 
7 Signs You're in the Wrong Relationship 
6 Ways to be a Better Person 

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1 comment:

  1. Quit my job! I worked at that place way too long. Talk aobout no change in your life I was doing the same thing all day everyday. I agree with making a change to help
